What's New with Blue?

What's New with Blue?

Protect Youth in Your Life with Resources from Blue Campaign

female cartoon character sitting in bathroom with writing on the walls

Youth are among the most vulnerable groups to human trafficking. Adults who work with youth are in a unique position to protect young people from exploitation. Blue Campaign has a variety of resources for both youth and adults working with youth, from comprehensive toolkits to informational videos. If you are a youth professional, consider using the following resources to help prevent victimization:

  • Youth Guide: In this toolkit, you’ll learn how to talk to youth about human trafficking — and how to spot the signs of the crime.
  • Youth Poster Series: Display posters in facilities and distribute them to your networks to raise awareness and reach victims of human trafficking.
  • Youth Professional and Caretaker Training Lessons: Learn about your role in preventing the crime of human trafficking, as well as how to recognize and report it.
  • Youth Animated Video: See how traffickers groom young people into human trafficking situations.
  • Exploitation Webpage: Share tips on how the youth in your life can protect themselves from exploitation.

You can download and order all Blue Campaign’s materials for free, many of which are available in multiple languages. For more information, visit bit.ly/3LOjO53.