Multi-Stakeholder Capacity-Building Workshop in Rwanda

12.03.2012 14:49


Multi-stakeholder Capacity-Building Workshop

March 15, 2012

Stockholm, Sweden



This workshop is organized by IOM and UNODC in partnership with the Rwandan Ministry for Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF). It will bring together 60 stakeholders from the relevant ministries, law enforcement agencies, immigration, social services, representatives of civil society organizations and journalists to be jointly trained on the following:


- Basic concepts of human trafficking; 
- The differences between trafficking and smuggling, 
- Who is a victim of trafficking and what are the victim's special needs, 
- Ways to prevent human trafficking, to identify and assist trafficking victims and to stop traffickers.


The workshop will share best practices from around the world and the region and it is expected that the exercise will lead to the creation of a national counter trafficking stakeholders network.